You can help, too

Training Opportunities

CommUnity offers a variety of crisis intervention and mental health training. For more information on the trainings offered by CommUnity, please contact:


Training Programs

(ASIST) is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety. Although ASIST is widely used by healthcare providers, participants don’t need any formal training to attend the workshop—anyone 16 or older can learn and use the ASIST model. All CommUnity Crisis Services volunteers and most staff members are trained in ASIST.

This training defines Compassion Fatigue and Secondary Trauma, considers their effects on wellbeing, and starts a conversation about addressing these conditions.

This training provides an introduction to crisis care for people living with non-consensus reality experiences (symptoms of “Psychosis”). We will explore prevalence; symptoms; historical and contemporary treatment approaches/resources; and skills for supporting those living with unusual beliefs and experiences, consistent with CommUnity’s values around client-centered and trauma-informed care. 
QPR is an emergency response to someone in crisis and can save lives. This course teaches participants how to question, persuade and refer someone who may be suicidal; how to get help for yourself or learn more about preventing suicide; the warning signs of suicide; the common causes of suicidal behavior; and how to get help for someone in crisis.

Volunteers are the Heart of CommUnity

Our clients depend on a diverse group of hundreds of volunteers who keep our programs running smoothly. Each year, volunteers donate more than 30,000 hours of their time to CommUnity Crisis Services. We have many opportunities and you don’t have to choose just one. Only one application is needed for consideration of multiple positions.

CommUnity Volunteer Opportunities

Food Bank Volunteer

CommUnity’s food bank distributed nearly 2 million pounds of food to Johnson County residents last year. When you volunteer in the food bank, you will work on a team of compassionate and dedicated individuals performing a wide range of tasks, including stocking shelves, assisting clients or helping with data entry. Volunteers must be 16+ to sign up. We offer on-site training at the beginning of your volunteer shift. No application is required. No previous experience necessary. Please contact with any questions.

Mobile Pantry Volunteer

CommUnity’s Mobile Pantry is a “pop-up” pantry that travels to locations throughout Johnson County. Volunteers can sign up for a variety of duties. Duties may include unloading on-site, checking clients in, stocking, helping clients shop and loading the van. A calendar listing the dates and locations for Mobile Pantry can be found on the website. Mobile Pantry volunteers must be 16+ to sign up and groups of up to four can be accommodated. Shifts are available Tuesday through Friday from April through October. Please contact with any questions.

Grocery Delivery Driver

The role of this volunteer is to deliver food boxes to clients living in Iowa City and Hills, IA. Drivers stop by the loading door at the back of the building to pick up 7-9 deliveries on a route created that day by staff. Each route takes 45-90 minutes to complete. The length of the route and number of deliveries vary from day to day. Volunteers are welcome but not required to complete their shift at Pepperwood Plaza if they finish deliveries early. A reliable vehicle, valid driver's license and proof of insurance is required. Please contact with any questions.

Volunteering with Financial Support

Our Financial Support program is in need of volunteers Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM–12:00 PM to help answer the phones and greet clients who come in for Financial Support services. Job tasks include notifying staff when clients arrive, answering calls, transferring calls and taking messages. Staff will train volunteers and be available when there are questions. If you are interested in volunteering with Financial Support, please contact: Sara, Director of Individual and Family Support OR Katherine, Financial Support Coordinator

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