Healing Prairie Farm is a collaboration between CommUnity Crisis Services and United Action for Youth (UAY) which provides youth in crisis a therapeutic place to receive care.
The care farm model allows youth to process emotions while working with farm animals and engaging in therapeutic activities. Projects following this model have been successful abroad and have led to improved mood, reduced anxiety, and decreased rates of recidivism. This innovative approach provides developmentally appropriate care and a more healing environment than traditional alternatives.
Healing Prairie Farm is not a lockdown facility, and youth are welcome to participate in activities at their discretion.
Youth staying on the farm can participate in:
- Individual and family counseling
- Therapeutic recreation with arts, music, and animals
- Peer support groups
Youth Shelter
The Youth Shelter on Healing Prairie Farm provides long-term care for youth who are unhoused, have run away from home, were kicked out of the home, or are couch surfing.
Youth participating in this program work with staff on building life skills and are able to go to school and work during their stay. The goal of this program is family reunification and/or successful placement to a lower-level stable housing situation.
- Youth ages 12 – 17
- Up to 21 day stay
- Youth are able to attend school and work
Youth Crisis Stabilization
Youth Crisis Stabilization on Healing Prairie Farm provides short-term stabilization for youth experiencing a mental health crisis.
- Youth ages 10* – 17
- 3 – 10 day stay
- Immediate crisis intervention and stabilization
Admissions are available 24/7 for all programs on Healing Prairie Farm.
To request a placement assessment, call Your Life Iowa at 855-581-8111 and let them know you would like Mobile Crisis Response to “assess for placement at Healing Prairie Farm in Johnson County.”
This project was made possible by funding from the Johnson County Board of Supervisors, Mental Health/Disability Services of the East Central Region, grants, and individual contributions.
*There are special considerations for youth aged 10 – 12 based on the ages of other youth currently in care to ensure a healing space.
*There are exclusionary criteria that would be discussed during the assessment process. Some youth who are high risk may be referred to a higher level of care. Youth must be under 18 years old and not in the custody of Health and Human Services or under court order of Johnson County Social Services.