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Happy International Self-Care Day!

By Sammi deNeui, CommUnity Crisis Services Communications Intern


The word “self-care” has become a trending topic over the past couple of years as more and more individuals are becoming more aware of how important it is to partake in self-care.  After these last couple of years, it is important that every day you should do something that you enjoy!  What exactly does it mean and how can it be beneficial for us? 

What is “self-care”?

According to Everyday Health, “self-care means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day”.  This means just taking time out of your day, even for a couple of minutes, to check in on yourself and do something that you enjoy.  It can be simply sitting outside for a breath of fresh air or even sitting down and reading a good book.  As long as it is an activity that you enjoy doing and it does not seem like a chore to complete!

How can “self-care” be beneficial?

Partaking in self-care can be very beneficial for your physical and mental health!  “Engaging in a self-care routine has been clinically proven to reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, reduce stress, improve concentration, minimize frustration and anger, increase happiness, improve energy, and more” (  Just remember, self-care is important and is only beneficial as long as you are enjoying the activity!

What are the different ways to practice “self-care”?

There are many different ways to practice self-care and it is different for everyone!  As long as you are doing an activity you enjoy and finding your body start to relax, you are engaging in self-care.  Below are some examples of how to practice self-care:

  • Take a break
    • Go outside for some fresh air or just sit in the sunlight
  • Read a book
  • Exercise
    • Such as going for a walk, a bike ride, tennis, roller-skate, yoga
  • Meditate
  • Write in a journal
  • 5 minute dance break
    • Take 5 minutes out of your day, turn on your favorite song, and just dance
  • Bake
    • Bake your favorite recipe or try something new!
  • Listen to a podcast
  • Art
    • Paint or draw a picture (or both!), color in a coloring book
  • Visit either a family member or a friend you have not talked to in a while 

Remember: self-care can be anything that you enjoy doing and find relaxing!

