Gifts of Stock

Thinking of other ways to give to CommUnity? Please contact Julia Winter via email at or by phone at (319) 351-2726 ext. 105 to let us know of your interest.

Below is helpful information about non-cash gifts that can be of great benefit to CommUnity.  Information about bequests and other charitable giving vehicles can be found on the Legacy Society & Planned Giving page.

Marketable Securities

Gifts of publicly traded stocks and bonds can be accepted and are generally liquidated upon receipt.

Stock in Privately Owned Companies

We ask that you provide recent valuation and marketability reports (at your cost) to our Board of Directors for approval prior to a gift of stock in a privately owned company. These gifts are generally liquidated upon receipt.

Real Estate

We ask that you provide our Board of Directors with recent independent appraisals, clear property titles, and environmental audits (at your cost) of all properties to be gifted. Board approval is required prior to a gift of real estate. CommUnity cannot accept a real estate gift if any part of the property carries a mortgage or lien. In general, real estate gifts are liquidated immediately upon receipt.

Life Insurance

CommUnity Crisis Services and Food Bank should be named the irrevocable owner and sole beneficiary of the policy. It is preferable that life insurance policies are fully paid at the time of the gift.

Personal Property

Jewelry, art, collections, vehicles, equipment, etc. with a substantial value, can be accepted if such property is received in saleable condition and you agree that CommUnity may sale the personal property at its discretion.


Computers, servers, software, printers, copiers, telecommunications and other types equipment are accepted if the technology is current and can be immediately used.